วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

5 Categories For Effective Time Management

                   5 Categories For Effective Time Management
Don't Just Track Your Time; Manage It!

By Susan Ward, About.com Guide

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    Many people mistake time tracking for time management. They religiously keep track of everything they do each day, for weeks or even months. And then they stop doing it because they haven’t realized any positive changes. But keeping track of how you spend your time isn’t time management. Time management is about making changes to the way you spend your time. For effective time management, you have to apply a time management system that will help you see where changes can and should be made. Keeping track of your many daily activities is just a preliminary step to effective time management. The first step of time management is to analyze how you actually spend your time so you can determine what changes you want to make. This is where many people’s attempts at time management fail. They look at a specific day in their Day-Timer or Outlook calendar or on their Palm which is packed with activities from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and don’t know what to do with it. So they fall back on the tried and true techniques and eliminate a few events and prioritize others. But they haven’t really managed anything; they’ve just rearranged it. All the perceived problems and frustrations of the day’s activities are still there – and at the end of their day they’re still frazzled and frustrated.
Manage Your Time With Time Management Categories
   How do you actually manage time? The secret is in the categories. Look at your calendar for tomorrow. It’s probably already full of events and activities that you’re hoping to accomplish. As you work or afterward, you’ll be filling in the blank spaces.
   Now look at the list and categorize it. How much time during your working day did you actually spend:
1) Putting out fires. An unexpected phone call. A report that’s necessary for a meeting that should have been printed yesterday. A missing file that should be on your desk. How much of your day was actually spent in crisis mode? For most people, this is a negative category that drains their energy and interferes with their productivity.
2) Dealing with interruptions. Phone calls and people dropping by your office will probably top the list when you’re assigning events to this category. Once again, for most people, this is a negative category because it interferes with (and sometimes kills) productivity.
3) Doing planned tasks. This is the most positive use of time during your work day. You are in control and accomplishing what you intended to accomplish. Planned tasks can include phone calls, meetings with staff, even answering email – if these are tasks that you have put on your agenda.
4) Working uninterrupted. You may not be working on a task you had planned to do, but you are getting to accomplish something, and for most people, this is a very productive, positive work mode.
5) Uninterrupted downtime. Those times during the work day that are used to re-energize and regroup. Lunch or a mid-morning break may count IF they’re uninterrupted. If you’re lucky enough to work with a company that offers on-site work-out facilities or nap rooms, that would count, too. Everyone needs a certain amount of uninterrupted downtime built into their day to be productive during their work time.
A Week Of Your Past Is The Key To The Future
    Now that you understand the time management categories, it’s time to use them to analyze your “typical” work week. Using whatever calendar system you use for listing appointments and activities in your daily life, go back and select a recent typical week. Go through the entries of each working day and categorize them according to the time management categories above. Keeping a running total at the bottom of each day will make it easy to see just how you’ve spent your working time each day.
   Now you have the data you need to make changes to the way you spend your time at work. Are you spending too much time putting out fires? Then you need to make the organizational or physical changes to prevent or defer these constant crises. Clean up and reorganize your desk, for example, so you can find the files you need easily, and establish a routine of putting the files you need for the next day out on your desk before you leave for the day. Not getting enough uninterrupted downtime during your working day? Then you need to build it in. For instance, stop eating lunch at your desk and physically leave the building for your stipulated lunch time.
   By applying my work categories of time management, and making the changes you need to make to spend more of your time during your working day in the positive categories and less time in the negative categories, you’ll truly be able to effectively manage your time at work – and accomplish the true goal of time management, to feel better.

Prepared by SANN RAKSMEY

Ten Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

      Ten Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

By Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

          As mothers tend to sacrifice during their lives to meet their children's needs, a mother's body will give up its own essential nutrients to provide health and growth for her developing baby. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is often so nutritionally deficient that even this sacrifice does not guarantee adequate nutrition for the unborn baby.
Fortunately, there are a number of tips that, if followed during pregnancy, can help both baby and mother stay healthy and vital!
Here is my top 10 list for ensuring a healthy pregnancy. It includes recommendations on nutrition, vitamins, minerals and other common-sense tips that can lead to a happier, healthier and more vital pregnancy:
1. Zinc

   Inadequate zinc is the most common and problematic deficiency during pregnancy. Zinc is critical for two reasons: proper growth and for developing a healthy immune system for the baby. Studies suggest that inadequate zinc may even cause immune deficiency in the next generation (i.e., your grandchild) as well. Be sure to get at least 15 milligrams per day of zinc in your diet, which can be found in high protein foods such as meat and beans.
2. Folic Acid

   Getting enough folic acid is critical both before and during pregnancy to help assure proper growth and to prevent birth defects. It is present in deep green, leafy vegetables. Women should get at least 400 to 800 micrograms per day.
3. Magnesium

   Magnesium deficiency is routine in the American diet and can increase the possibility of high blood pressure and seizures during pregnancy, a condition known as eclampsia. To prevent this deficiency, take 200 milligrams of magnesium in the glycinate form daily. Whole grains, green leafy and other vegetables and nuts are good sources of magnesium. Taking the proper amount of magnesium a day also helps to decrease the leg cramps and constipation often experienced during pregnancy. In addition, magnesium is critical for more than 300 other body functions and will generally help you to feel a lot healthier.
4. B Vitamins

   These are critical for energy, mental clarity and to prevent depression. B vitamins have also been found to improve pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes. Taking 200 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 can improve the health of those women suffering from this form of diabetes. But please note that only women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy should take this high level of B vitamins, and should drop the level of consumption to 100 milligrams per day during the last month. For all other soon-to-be moms, take approximately 25 to 50 milligrams a day of B vitamins and plenty of vitamin B12 for normal nerve function.
5. Fish Oils

   The human brain is made predominantly of DHA, an essential fatty acid found in fish oils. Perhaps this is why there is an old wives' tale about fish being brain food. Regardless, DHA deficiency is very common and it is critical that pregnant women get adequate fish oils so that their baby can develop healthy and optimal brain tissue. DHA may also decrease the risk of postpartum depression. Unfortunately, though, the FDA has raised concerns about high mercury levels in the same deep sea fish (salmon and tuna) that have the highest levels of these oils. An excellent alternative for those who'd rather not risk it is to take one half to one tablespoon of Eskimo 3 fish oil. This is a special form of fish oil that actually tastes good (most do not), and has been tested to make sure that it does not have mercury or other problematic compounds.
6. Calcium

   Ideally, pregnant women should ingest 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day. It is best to take this at night (it helps with sleep) in the liquid, powdered or chewable form. Many calcium tablets are simply chalk and do not dissolve in the stomach, and therefore are not absorbed properly. Each cup of milk or yogurt contains 400 milligrams of calcium.
7. Iron

   Approximately 18 to 36 milligrams of iron per day can be helpful. Interestingly, iron deficiency can sometimes cause infertility. Also, pregnant women who don't get enough iron are at risk for anemia, fatigue, poor memory and decreased immune function.
8. Water

   Be sure to drink plenty of water. When pregnant, blood volume can increase about 30 percent and it is easy to become dehydrated. If your mouth or lips are dry, drink more! Adequate salt is also helpful in preventing dehydration (less so if you have problems with fluid retention).
9. Check Your Thyroid

   Millions of women suffer from an underactive metabolism, also known as hypothyroidism, which often goes undiagnosed. This results in fatigue, weight gain and simply feeling like you've run out of gas. Hypothyroidism accounts for more than 6 percent of miscarriages and can be cause for learning disabilities in the child. Treating a low thyroid is both safe and easy during pregnancy. The earlier it is treated the better. Either once you start trying to get pregnant, or as soon as you know you're pregnant, take a Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) blood test to check your thyroid. Most doctors do not yet know that the TSH has to be less than three — anything above and you need treatment — so look at the test result yourself (many doctors still use the dangerous and outdated criteria of a TSH over five being abnormal). If you like, you can get a lab requisition for a TSH to take to your lab by visiting www.Vitality101.com (click on "online program" then on "Laboratory Requisition Form"). If you were on thyroid medication before getting pregnant, it is normal to increase the dose during pregnancy (the TSH should be kept between .5 and 2.0). If your doctor is not familiar with the new guidelines, he or she can send an email to the Web site above and a copy of the guidelines will be sent to them.
10. Things for Pregnant Women to Avoid

   A few cautions for pregnant women: avoid taking more than 8,000 units of vitamin A per day. And don't partake in anything that can raise your body temperature too high (hot tubs, saunas or steam rooms). These have been implicated as possibly increasing the risk for birth defects. Most pregnant women are also, of course, aware that smoking, drugs and alcohol should all be avoided during pregnancy. Exercise, on the other hand, has been shown to be very beneficial and results in babies and moms that are quite healthy.
 Prepared by SRS...

What shall we do with Environment in Phnom Penh?

What shall we do with Environment in Phnom Penh?
As to join hands with organization, government and other people, I decided to list the things I have been doing lately to be more environmentally friendly. Hopefully this will inspire others to make some changes in their lives.After moving to Oregon I decided to try live healthier. Part of that was weight loss, and another part was reducing my footprint on the planet. Here are some changes I have made and why they're important.
   Stopped drinking bottled water: American’s purchase 28 billion water bottles per year, and 80% of those end up in landfills. The bottles water industry also consumes 17 million barrels of oil per year, and contributes 2.5 million tons of CO2 into our air. And these numbers are growing dramatically every year.
Since I have been working on weight loss, more water has been essential. But I now just own a couple sturdy water bottles and fill those up with the filtered water from my refrigerator. Not only is this better for the environment, but I am also saving nearly $70 per month on bottled water.
  Bring my own bag shopping: Both paper and plastic bags cause significant drains on the planets resources. We use about 4 – 5 trillion plastic bags per year, and only .06% of those bags are recycled. This build up of bags have effects that range from wildlife eating the bags and of course dying, to helping cause a major flood in Bangladesh.
And if you think paper is better, be aware that paper bags are usually made of virgin fibers that cause en estimated 14 million + trees to be cut down each year.
It’s not always easy to remember to bring a canvas bag with me, especially for non-grocery shopping. So I keep some in my car, and when I forget, I punish myself by not using a bag. I’m sure that when you look at how many bags you use, you see it’s a small step to make a big difference.
   Use CFL light bulbs: Lighting is one of the primary drains on electricity. So why is it that a product that costs about the same as a regular light bulb, yet saves people 75% off their lighting bill only has a 6% adoption rate in the US? Seth Godin wrote a great article exploring that issue. He also mentions that if everyone switched to CFL bulbs, we would eliminate the need for foreign oil without lifting one Hummer off the roads.
I have replaced all the bulbs in my house and it looks to be making a nice big difference. It’s an easy step to take to reduce power consumption in the country, and the bulbs are now nearly $1 per bulb at some stores. This more than pays for itself in no time, so put this on your list of things to do next weekend.
   Energy Efficient appliances: Every now and then the government does something useful for the environment, although not so much lately. Back in 1992 they started the Energy Star program as a voluntary labeling initiative to inform consumers that the product had met energy efficient guidelines. The EPA is estimating that this saved $12 billion in energy costs in 2005 alone. Another appliance technology that has come to market recently is HE washing machines. These machines use 20% – 66% of the water a traditional washing machine uses. But you have to use HE labeled laundry soap.
Here is something I thought was interesting; you save more water by using an efficient dish washer than washing them by hand.
All my appliances are Energy Star compliant, and my washing machine is HE. My last place didn’t have those things, and I notice a big difference on my electric bill.
   Eco-friendly cleaning products: Obviously toxic chemicals rarely help the environment. So using an eco-friendly laundry soap and cleaning supplies can help cut down on the amount of toxic waste the planet has to deal with.
Also, using smaller container of concentrated liquids help reduce the amount of package waster, and shipping weight.
For example, I use non-toxic laundry soap in a big concentrate gallon that is HE complaints. I use white vinegar as a natural fabric softener.
   Tankless water heater: Heating water account for 14% of the average Americans energy budget. That can be significantly reduced by using a tank less water heater. Traditional water heaters sit around, sucking up power to heat water your not using. Tank less heaters heat water as needed. This is obviously an even better value if you travel and go long periods without needing hot water.
I have a tank less water heater that works great. Less maintenance, and never ending hot water in a sometimes shower busy house. I hate cold showers! I do have to wait about 2minutes for the water to heat up occasionally, but that isn’t usually much of problem.
   Purchase Green Tags: We have a program here in Ashland that allows us to purchase Green Tags. This is a small price increase to run off of renewable electric energy. Because we are very efficient now, we pay very little difference for this, I expect my electric bill will remain under $100 per month, and it’s nice to know that our home is running of clean, renewable power.
I’m not sure who widespread this program is, but it may be worth checking out to see if there is something in your area.
   Recycle: Most cities now have decent recycling plans, we just need to take advantage of them. I have found this isn’t as difficult as I once thought it to be. Just be conscious of the fact that whatever I put in the trash has to go somewhere is enough to keep me recycling. But you can also go the extra mile and look for products that come from recycling as well. Obviously when you purchase paper products you should be looking for the little recycled logo.
   Being conscious: Simply being conscious is a big part of the effort. Making sure to keep lights off when not in use. Walking to the grocery store, video store and movie theatre has made it where I only have to fill up my tank once per month. Consolidating trips so that I can make less of them, and use less trash all starts to add up to not only reducing waste, but being healthier and saving money.
Here are some the areas I would like to improve in:
   Buy a hybrid: I honestly looked at Hybrids, but didn’t see what I needed. I needed a small SUV with AWD. The hybrid SUV’s I looked at didn’t really seem to save much gas and cost a lot more. I really liked the RX400h, but there is no Lexus dealer within 2 hours my house. So I went with the best I could find. I’m averaging about 20 MPG, which considering I only fill up once per month, is better than most people.
   Buy more local groceries: I am aware of the issues in trucking groceries across the country. I’m trying to be better at buy more locally grown foods, but it’s not as easy as it should be.
    Solar panels: I have to admit that I think I just like the tech of solar panels more than I think it will help, or be worth the money in my case. If I spend less than $100 per month on power, and I already use renewable power from the city through green tags, then  more eco-bling than anything else. But I do like the idea of it.
Hopefully this will be helpful to anyone looking to make some simple changes to be more eco-friendly. You can check out my other Blog Action Day.
 Prepared by SRS...

Motivation Tips

Motivation Tips
Directed Self-Confidence

By:Peter Fisher

Did you know you can have high self-confidence?
Many of us don't believe that we can have self-confidence and go through life feeling that we are just 'not good enough', or worse still that we are 'impostors'. We become highly skilled at convincing ourselves that we don't really matter and that we will never amount to anything.
This lack of self-confidence comes at a high price. The fact is that although many people are lacking in self-esteem and feel powerless to do anything about it, they have created the situation for themselves. This self-made poor self esteem needs to be resolved urgently; it affects emotional and physical well-being and really reduces the quality of your life.
Here is how you can move to what I call 'Directed Self-Confidence' and to help you get started think about these questions:
To whom or to what are you comparing yourself?
When you think you are not good enough to whom or to what are you comparing yourself?
What sort of question is that you might say. OK then I have an action for you: The next time you start to think "I'm not good enough", ask yourself: "what exactly does 'good enough' look like? "? Be specific; to what or whom, did you compare yourself when you reached the conclusion that you are not good enough?
Comparing yourself with other people is not the way forward. All you see of other people is their external facade, you have no idea what goes on in their minds. So the next time you fall into this trap, take a deep breath and say "I will only be who I am and only compare myself to how I wish to be". I like and respect myself; I am becoming the person I want to be every day.
This is the way to 'directed self-confidence'.
Do you ever find yourself saying 'nobody likes me'? The feeling that everyone in the world is against you is no laughing matter, but you can get beyond that feeling too. When you meet new people do you dislike all of them or are most of them OK? Probably the latter and if so then the reverse is also likely to be true.
Most people you meet will think you're OK!
Make it even easier by making a conscious effort to think that everyone you meet, you will like. And when you like people you tend to be liked in return. This technique of directed self-confidence rubs off on those around you and you are going to be to always meeting people who like you!
Wouldn't it be wonderful?
Do you find yourself always predicting the worst possible outcome for every new situation you come up against? Are you guilty of 'awfulizing' most situations - you know how it goes: "wouldn't it be awful if..."
Next time you find yourself in this frame of mind just take a moment and try this: "wouldn't it be wonderful if..."
This approach to directed self-confidence may just free you to get on with the wonderful things in your life!
Directed Self-Confidence is something that anyone can adopt. As Shakespeare once said "Assume a virtue and it shall be yours". Self-confidence can be assured by just adopting a positive attitude and this can be life changing. If you don't feel confident at any time all you need to do is act confidently, the pretense of being confident will quickly make you feel more confident.
Peter Fisher is Coach and Webmaster for http://www.Your-Career-Change.com where you can see how using the right set of tools creates the right results for a sustainable career change.
Fears and Phobias Defined
By:Peter Fisher

Phobias are the most common psychiatric illness among women of all ages, and the second most common illness among men older than 25. Phobias are thought to be caused by a combination of biological factors and life events, much in the way other disorders (such as diabetes or heart disease) are influenced by a person's genes and lifestyle. Phobias are more than extreme fear, they are irrational fear.
Phobias are the most easily treated of all psychological issues, with successful treatment being achieved in some cases within a few hours. They are seen as maladaptive learned responses which are able to be corrected by learning new ways of responding. The general symptoms of phobias include the following: Feelings of panic, dread, horror, or terror; recognition that the fear goes beyond what is considered normal and is out of proportion to the actual threat of danger; reactions that are automatic and uncontrollable, and seem to take over the person's thoughts; rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and an overwhelming desire to escape the situation. Extreme measures are often taken to avoid the feared object or situation.
Sometimes they start in childhood for no apparent reason; sometimes they emerge after a traumatic event; and sometimes the develop from an attempt to make sense of an unexpected and intense anxiety or panic (e. Some individuals can simply avoid the subject of their fear and suffer only relatively mild anxiety over that fear. When the anxiety has gone, remind yourself that you have survived, and have not gone mad, lost control or died. When and where to seek further help If your phobias are interfering with your ability to lead a full, normal life and you don't make any progress in challenging them yourself. If you are experiencing a lot of anxiety or distress, and you seem to be feeling like this often. If you are avoiding situations that matter or if you suffer from overwhelming blushing/trembling/sweating in social situations or feel that you lack social skills, you may be more prone. Studies have also shown that the occurrence or anticipation of stressful life events, anxiety in childhood, over-protective parental behaviour and substance abuse are common among people with panic disorder.
Treatment exists to help people with phobias and panic disorder, and research into new therapies and techniques continues. During therapy, a person can slowly learn to become comfortable with the situation or object through exposure treatment or reconditioning. If the object of fear is easy to avoid, people with phobias may not feel the need to seek treatment.
Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear, but are powerless to override their initial panic reaction. Even professional entertainers can experience cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, and light-headedness when they step out in front of an audience. Group therapy has also been successful in providing social phobics with a supportive circle of people who can empathize with their experience and serve as a significant first rebellion against the very nature of the disease.
Psychologists have categorized as many as 500 phobias, and according to the estimates of some health professionals, as many as 50 million individuals in the United States suffer from some kind of phobia.
Glossophobia, a fear of public speaking, is one of the most common of phobias and one that must be overcome by many individuals who find themselves in the position of having to make a speech to a group of people for business, professional, or educational reasons.
Phobias are in fact a fear of being afraid and demonstrate the brain's ability to learn instantly, potentially a very effective survival mechanism. If you are interested in finding out more about phobias and what you can do to relieve them, they are listed alphabetically and indexed by their definitions on the website.
Peter Fisher is an expert Author and webmaster for www.WAHM-Info.com where you will find help with overcoming your fears and anxieties.
3 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Your Talent
By:Roxana Nunez

Do you have a dream or a wish you are afraid to try? Do you have a hidden talent that you have abandoned feeling you are not good enough?
What is it going to take for you to start? Many people have talents that are left untapped for fear of what others may think. You might know how to play a musical instrument, sing, paint or write poetry. Then one day, one person said something bad about that talent and it made you question your ability. That seed took hold in your heart and soon you abandoned your gift altogether.
I give you three reasons to go ahead:
1) Talent takes practice. If you play an instrument, you would benefit from practicing, even if it is just for an hour a day. I once read somewhere that if you study one hour a day, you become an expert in five years. Practice what you love.
2) Your talent might keep disease away. Our talents are things that we love to do. I don't know about you, when I do something I love, time stops and stress vanishes. It is the same with any activity you love to do. Stress is a mayor contributing factor in many illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Do it for your health and your sanity.
3) The only person you should want to please is you. Always remember that when a person expresses an opinion, it is about them and not about you. Maybe that person admires you or envies you. Who knows why people make comments. The important thing here is to keep it in perspective. If someone hates your painting, it is about their inability to have a positive experience with it. It has nothing to do with you. If you like it, that should be enough.
I hope one of these observations will encourage you to pursuit your passion.
Persistence..the Number One Secret Of Being Successful
By:Frederick Brooker

If you strongly wish to succeed with anything in life, being persistent is almost always vital to that success. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in business, sporting activity or social life, persistency has an important role to play. Without persistency, it is all too easy to give up, tell yourself you’ll never master it and then go on to the next best thing.
The quality of persistency is something that has enabled man to rise above all animals and succeed in so many areas.
If it wasn’t for persistency, the world would today be a much poorer place than it now is. Have you ever thought that if it wasn’t for the persistence of Edison we may not today have electric lighting? For years his fellow scientists mocked his experiments to create an electric light bulb.
What was his reaction? He said that he hadn’t failed, he had succeeded many times in discovering how not to make the light bulb work. But he persistently carried on until one day, Bingo it worked! How many times must he have felt like giving up, but no. His persistency won through in the end. What elation he must have felt on that day. It had all been worthwhile! As Sir Winston Churchill once said “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”
Always be enthusiastic about things you want to achieve without giving in. In another of Sir Winston Churchill’s famous speeches he said “Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense”.
So you see, throughout history mankind’s greatest achievements would never have come about were it not for dogged persistence on the part of the achievers. According to another well known phrase, “There is no gain without pain”
Persistence and self discipline go hand in hand. You can’t’ have one without the other.
Whatever it is you want to achieve, whatever goal you set yourself, you cannot and will not succeed without those two elements of persistence and self discipline. Whenever you’re working on your chosen subject, there will be times when your enthusiasm wanes. You will feel that you do not wish to carry on, you’re bored, and everything you try to do doesn’t seem to work. You want to give up and try something else. That’s the time when your self discipline has to “kick in” because if you do give up and then go onto something new, you’ll find that you’ll be doing that over and over again. You’ll be hopping, grasshopper like, from one project to the next and never getting anywhere. I know I’ve been guilty of that myself in the past.
The world is full of talented people, some with brilliant ideas who never achieve anything because they have lacked those two essential qualities of self discipline and persistence. Sometimes we can recognize the lack of those essential elements within ourselves. For instance….
Have you ever had a good (or even brilliant) idea about how to do or improve something and then sat back and done nothing about it, only to find that later on someone else has had the same idea, but who also had the self discipline and persistence to do something about it and brought it into reality, leaving you to say to yourself “But I thought of that ages ago”? Recognize something like that in yourself? I know I do!
The qualities we’re talking about apply to every form of human endeavor both great and small, whether it be to win over the person you love, in order for them to become your life partner to much bigger tasks like defeating the scourge of world terrorism. Persistence wins, OK!
If you strongly wish to succeed with anything in life, being persistent is almost always vital to that success. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in business, sporting activity or social life, persistency has an important role to play. Without persistency, it is all too easy to give up, tell yourself you’ll never master it and then go on to the next best thing.
The quality of persistency is something that has enabled man to rise above all animals and succeed in so many areas.
If it wasn’t for persistency, the world would today be a much poorer place than it now is. Have you ever thought that if it wasn’t for the persistence of Edison we may not today have electric lighting? For years his fellow scientists mocked his experiments to create an electric light bulb.
What was his reaction? He said that he hadn’t failed, he had succeeded many times in discovering how not to make the light bulb work. But he persistently carried on until one day, Bingo it worked! How many times must he have felt like giving up, but no. His persistency won through in the end. What elation he must have felt on that day. It had all been worthwhile! As Sir Winston Churchill once said “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”
Always be enthusiastic about things you want to achieve without giving in. In another of Sir Winston Churchill’s famous speeches he said “Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense”.
So you see, throughout history mankind’s greatest achievements would never have come about were it not for dogged persistence on the part of the achievers. According to another well known phrase, “There is no gain without pain”
Persistence and self discipline go hand in hand. You can’t’ have one without the other.
Whatever it is you want to achieve, whatever goal you set yourself, you cannot and will not succeed without those two elements of persistence and self discipline. Whenever you’re working on your chosen subject, there will be times when your enthusiasm wanes. You will feel that you do not wish to carry on, you’re bored, and everything you try to do doesn’t seem to work. You want to give up and try something else. That’s the time when your self discipline has to “kick in” because if you do give up and then go onto something new, you’ll find that you’ll be doing that over and over again. You’ll be hopping, grasshopper like, from one project to the next and never getting anywhere. I know I’ve been guilty of that myself in the past.
The world is full of talented people, some with brilliant ideas who never achieve anything because they have lacked those two essential qualities of self discipline and persistence. Sometimes we can recognize the lack of those essential elements within ourselves. For instance….
Have you ever had a good (or even brilliant) idea about how to do or improve something and then sat back and done nothing about it, only to find that later on someone else has had the same idea, but who also had the self discipline and persistence to do something about it and brought it into reality, leaving you to say to yourself “But I thought of that ages ago”? Recognize something like that in yourself? I know I do!
The qualities we’re talking about apply to every form of human endeavor both great and small, whether it be to win over the person you love, in order for them to become your life partner to much bigger tasks like defeating the scourge of world terrorism. Persistence wins, OK!
Should you never give up on anything, whatever the reason?
Clearly, the answer to that question is NO. Remember Winston Churchill’s advice? You should never give in to anything except to convictions of good sense.
Good sense is the other element that is needed in order to be successful in any endeavor.
Do you know the story about Microsoft?
You know, of course that it is today one of the most successful and powerful businesses that has ever existed. Did you know that before Microsoft ever came into existence, Bill Gates and his business partner, Paul Allen, formed a company named Traf-O-Data, which they ran for several years? They eventually gave up on the idea for good reasons best known to themselves. They then formed Microsoft. The rest, as they say, is history.
The lesson to be learned therefore is to always have self discipline and persistence, but to temper that concept with good sense and if necessary to try again with the knowledge you have gained from the previous endeavor. That way, success will surely be yours.

Dear Mary...
What you wrote here in the blog is very inspiring and very very true. I always knew my constant use of sarcasm was some sort of defense mechanism and I knew that I am a very sensitive person and because of how sarcastic I am people tend to think I'm evil or thick skinned which is far from the truth. I have a lot of close friends and they all know how sarcastic I am and I guess they learned to filter it out. It happened a lot that I had one of my friend upset due to my excessive sarcasm. And I know that some people never wanted to be friends because of my sarcasm. Many times people think I am trying to disrespect them when I am being sarcastic which of course is "again" far from the truth. The closer the person to me, the more Sarcastic I would be. So the people I am sarcastic with the most are the people I love the most and those are the people I hurt the most (pretty sadistic, huh?!). However as I grew older (almost 30 now) I started following sarcasm with things like "don't take it to heart" or "sorry I was kidding" or "you know I love, right?" etc.... This new approach was no magic stick but I noticed that people are less upset than they usually would be. Because at least they understand I don't hate them or trying to be disrespectful.
One friend recently confronted me (which is why I started reading about my problem); he said that I use sarcasm to distract people away from sensitive soul. It was not new news to me...I knew it all along, but it was the first time someone confronted me. It made me think...Maybe I should change...although sometimes I think that I would lose my sense of humour, that I would end up being a boring person. Almost all my jokes are molded to being sarcastic. I don't know... Anyways I will try to change...I am always thinking that once I get married, I would drive my wife crazy with my sarcasm...Because, I know, I would be spending so much time with her than I ever did with anyone in my life... That is a lot of sarcasm for a sane person to handle....God be with her :-)
How To Get Self Confidence Help

Self confidence is a major issue with people today. Having confidence in yourself is a huge factor in what kind of relationships you have, what kind of job you can get, or anything else in life. It can be hard to find good self confidence help so I though I would fix that.
When you are confident, you feel better about yourself, and feel better about life in general. Finding good self confidence help can be hard. There are a lot of people that don't know what they're doing. So, how do you know I am any different? Because I've been there. I've been the guy that can't ever figure out just how to talk to girls, be the life of the party, or do great in a job interview.
Then I figured it out. I figured how I could finally be the confident person that I wanted to be. That is what I am going to share with you today.
First of all you need to be aware of the fact that getting your confidence up will take time and work. You aren't going to wake up tomorrow and be a super confident person getting whatever they want in life. But if you really want to change, you will put in the time and effort to do it.
The first step you need to take is to start talking to people. Whenever you see someone in a coffee shop, at school, or wherever, and you want to talk to them, just do it.
A huge part of getting your confidence up is getting up the courage to just get stuff done and do it. You are going to have to get over your fears and just dive right in. In fact if you are feeling nervous about doing something, it is a good idea to do it.
So, next time you see someone or sit next to someone you want to talk to, just do it.
After you start doing this for a while, you will find it easier and easier to talk to people, which is a huge part of getting self confidence. With practice you will start getting good at talking to people and then you will be that guy you were always jealous of.
So take these tips on self confidence help and put them into action today!
Hey my name is Kenny. I run a blog all about how to get your confidence up. You can get there here -

 Prepared by SRS...

Memory Improvement

Memory Improvement
Last Updated: Sep 19th, 2006 - 12:42:14

High Performance Memory
By Pat Wyman, M.A.
Jan 23, 2006, 15:43

It’s something we all want more of – a great memory. Why? Because it makes our lives easier and even increases our intelligence. We perform better in school, better in life and think faster on the job. Everyday facts stay at our fingertips and learning new things becomes a snap! Even as adults, we know that activating our memory and constantly learning new things may very well prevent age related diseases such as dementia and

So the question is - how do we do it? What does neuroscience say about the possibility of creating a designer brain – one that has an excellent memory? Can we even raise smarter children with great memories?

A resounding YES – to all of the above!
Keys to A Great Memory Toolkit

Let’s take a look at what science has learned about memory. After each item, you’ll find tips on how to create an extraordinary memory.
  • The Science: Exercise Your Body for A Better Brain – Exercise positively affects the hippocampus, a sea-horse shaped brain structure that is vital for memory and learning. Researchers found that adult mice doubled their number of new brain cells in the hippocampus when they had access to running wheels. Exercise alters the molecular mechanisms that are important for learning and memory. Regular exercise prevents the negative effect of chronic stress on the brain at the molecular level and boosts the brain’s biological battle against infection.
    • High Performance Memory Tip - Move! Do something – anything that involves movement. Walk, run, workout on one of those dusty home exercise machines. I went out to the garage and brought all of mine into the house. Now I use the treadmill, ab-doer and bun and thigh master every day! Wow – what a great way to start my day! I can feel my memory improving already! ( I even notice thinner thighs – hmmm… there is something more than memory here too!)
  • The Science: Join a gym for your Brain – Neurobic workouts strengthen the connections between brain cells and help us form new ones! So say neurobiologist Larry Katz and coauthor Manning Rubin who wrote Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises To Help Prevent Memory Loss & Increase Mental Alertness.
When you exercise the brain, you release natural growth factors called neurotrophins, which in turn enhance the brain’s level of fitness. This is a great little book and the first one of its kind scientifically based on the adult brain’s ability to produce its own natural brain food. You can find it for about.

“Through special brain exercises, the authors say, (Jan. 1, 2000 Newsweek article) we hope to able to untangle our circuits to relieve depression, cure learning disabilities, rehabilitate stroke victims, etc. Stimulating the senses to form new connections can lead to a stronger ability to learn new things and retrieve what we already know from memory”.
    • High Performance Memory Tip - Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, showering with your eyes closed, switch accustomed seats at the dinner table, shop at a farmer’s market instead of the supermarket.
  • The Science: You can teach an old brain new tricks – it’s called neuroplasticity. It means your brain is constantly reorganizing itself. You can create your brain from the input you get says Paula Tallal, co director of the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience at Rutgers University in Newark, N.J. In other words – designer brains are possible.
Neuroscientists will learn how to use “directed neuroplasticity to determine what specific inputs will change the brain in helpful ways. For example, right now we can see on brain scans that brains capable of logic are physically different from brains that are not. The question remains – how do we change the input to help a person become more logical”?

Science has now proven that the brain never stops changing and adjusting. This flexibility can even help maintain language processing even in the face of severe obstacles. Researchers once thought that only young brains were plastic and flexible – now we know that the brain retains its plasticity throughout life.

This means that even people with specific disabilities and challenges like dyslexia,reading problems and language processing problems can all respond to interventions that modify brain networks. Reading programs that alter neural circuits like Fast ForWard are already improving reading ability by two years during a 6 to 8 week training session.

The implications of brain plasticity are almost limitless – it will mean that schools can deliver education based on neuroscience principles and that learning isn’t only in textbooks. Coaches may soon learn to use plasticity to create better athletes by improving brain circuitry and trainers will no longer need to rely on hit-or miss training for anything! Peak performance is a reality.
    • High Performance Memory Tip - Keep learning. Change your activities often. Add challenges to your daily routine. Do everything you can to enrich your own and your child’s environment. Visit museums, art, tech, etc. Read new things often and read to your child. Have your child draw pictures about what you read. Remember – you can grow new brain connections even as you age. Don’t just coast through life – you’ll have a smaller brain with fewer options available to you. Variety is the “spice” of life. Add new music, pictures and even different plants to your environment often. Add novelty to your life as often as possible. Shake yourself out of a rut - make new friends. Find a new hobby. Your brain will thank you a million times over with newer connections, more intelligence and a better memory.
  • The Science: Stress Can Damage Your Brain. Stress can change both the structure and function of your brain. In fact, “stress causes brain damage”, says Richard Restak, M.D. of the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Services. Long term and chronic stress, even from every day things like traffic, financial worries and school or work stress can actually shrink the hippocampus, the memory center of the brain.
Researchers have found that stress hormones like corticosterone, similar to cortisol, can even block retrieval of information stored in the brain. Learners in a state of fear or threat not only have a harder time learning, their immune system becomes depressed and their learning slows down. The good news – when you’re calm, your memory returns.
    • High Performance Memory Tip - Use stress buster techniques! Try meditation or use simple relaxation techniques. Move and stretch your body often – roll your neck in all directions and lift your arms above your head toward the ceiling and out to the sides to keep tension out of the neck and shoulder area. Do deep breathing while you’re on the computer or studying. Take breaks about once every 30 minutes. Keep learning fun! Make sure you know where to find the resources you need when taking on a new project. If you’re feeling overwhelmed – take a hike out in nature and get a complete change of environment. You’ll feel refreshed and more creative when you return.
Also, before an examination, familiarize yourself with the location where you’ll take it. Knowing the room well, or even studying in the room where the exam will be relaxes you and increases your odds of better recall when you take the test.
  • The Science: Get smart by eating “Smart Fats” – Believe it or not, some fats are not only good for you, they're essential to your health. These fats, known as omega-3's have been proven to make you smarter and even help you burn body fat faster! These crucial fats affect mental, physical and emotional intelligence. They impact not only the brain’s structure but its function as well.
The mayonnaise you put on your sandwich and the type of dressing you put on your salad may have an impact on your stress levels, moods, impulsiveness and even your ability to learn.

(Skip all trans-fatty acids like those found in margarine and most packaged goods. Read the labels - if you see the words hydrogentated or partially hydrogenated, pass them by!) Read on to find out how essential fatty acids, the good omega-3’s, affect everyone’s brain, including your baby’s.

Essential fatty acids are components of every cell and are needed for many functions in the body. In fact, one reason the type of fat you eat has such an important effect on your mind, is that your brain is more than 60% fat (I guess that makes us all true fat heads)! This is not the same type of fat you see around your belly but structural fat, the type that forms your cell membranes and plays such an important role in how your cells function.

Essential fatty acids are found in cold water fish like salmon, fish oils (sometimes hard to digest) and flax seeds and flax oil. The reason these fats are called essential is because they cannot be made by the body. They must be supplied by your diet! If you're like most people, more than likely you won't be able to eat enough of the foods that contain them to get what you need. So, you might want to consider supplementation!

As far back as 1930, researchers found that if an animal did not get enough essential fatty acids in the die t, it could cause symptoms such as poor reproduction, lowered immunity, rough, dry skin (like the kind you might notice as little bumps on the back of your arms) and slow growth, among others.

The list of benefits from essential fatty acids is enormous :
·         Helps to eradicate plaque from the artery walls
·         Lowers blood pressure
·         Lowers triglyceride levels
·         Reduces inflammation
·         Helps construct body membranes
·         Helps strengthen cell and capillary structures and increases fluidity of cell membranes preventing stiffness and deterioration
·         Prolongs blood clotting time, helping wounds to heal
·         Helps the body manufacture hemoglobin, the compound in the blood that provides oxygen to the cells from the lungs
·         Removes excess cholesterol from the blood
·         Nourishes hair, skin and nails
·         Increases the rate at which the body burns fat
·         Helps maintain proper body temperature
·         Crucial for proper visual function
·         Helps the learning process (a Purdue study found that boys with ADHD were deficient in Omega 3 essential fatty acids)
·         Play a significant role in maintaining normal mood and behavior
·         Helps prevent Alzheimer’s (those with Alzheimer’s are twice as apt to have low DHA levels; those with low blood DHA had a 67% greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s in the next ten years according to a study done at Tufts University)
·         Many studies on essential fatty acids show a significantly positive effect on memory and learning. Refer to Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D. books and articles)
·         Helps you think faster and concentrate better, speeds up brain waves.
More science about omega-3 oils: DHA in formula boosts children’s intelligence – According to a study funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, researchers at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest in Dallas, Texas, writing in the March issue Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology demonstrated how DHA, (the good fat) improved children’s intelligence as well as visual acuity.
DHA, docosahexaenoic acid and AA are fatty acids present in human breast milk and prior to birth are supplied through the placenta to the developing fetus. Both DHA and AA are believed to play a role in the development of the nervous system. Fifty six 18 month old children were divided into three groups. One group received formula containing only DHA, while another received DHA and AA. The control group received a commercial formula without either. All three groups were enrolled in the study within five days of their birth and received on of the three formula types for 17 weeks.
Overall intelligence and motor skills were tested using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd edition (BSIDII). No differences were seen on motor skills, but the children differed significantly on Mental Development Index of the test. It measures memory, ability to solve simple problems and language capabilities. Children in the control group received an average MDI score of 98, slightly below the national average for U.S. Children of 100. The DHA group received an average scores o 102.4 and the DHA plus AA group received an average score of 105! You can read more about this study at www.nichd.nih.gov and it’s interesting to note that European baby formulas have essential fatty acids in them and the U.S. is only just now deciding whether to include them in their baby formulas.
Apparently, according to Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., there is quite a link between omega 3 fatty acids and learning. According to a 1996 study done at Purdue University, 100 boys between the ages of six and twelve were studied. Those who had the highest levels of omega 3 fatty acids had the fewest learning problems.
According to information in the book, The Omega Plan by Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., president of The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington, D.C. and former NIH chair for the Nutrition Coordinating Committee, the “process of learning and remembering involves the transmission of various chemicals from one nerve ending to another. These chemicals are stored in tiny packages called ‘synaptic vesicles.’

The more synaptic vesicles in a nerve ending, the more chemicals that can be transmitted. Enriching the diet of rats with omega-3 oils resulted in considerable more vesicles in their nerve endings as well as better performance on all their tests. This study suggests there may be a direct connection between the amount of omega-e fatty acids in your diet, the number of synaptic vesicles in your neurons, and your ability to learn.”
    • High Performance Memory Tip – In case you can’t eat enough salmon, flax or flax oil to reap the benefits of EFA’s, you might decide to take the omega 3’s in supplement form. When you decide to supplement with essential fatty acids, the best place we know of to obtain the purest form of omega 3 oils is a company called Nordic Naturals. We take their products and have noticed, along with all of the above, some other benefits like easy weight loss, shinier hair, no more bumps on the back of the arms, higher energy, and of course a sharper memory! Their Pro OMEGA’s (Essential Fatty Acids Omega-3 oils), are wonderful and we highly recommend everything they have because they go the extra mile to use the purest ingredients. When you’re ready to boost your brain power go to: www.howtolearn.com/omega3.html.
P.S. There's a wonderful side benefit to taking EFA's - If you happen to want to lose weight, you can take them about 20 minutes before you eat and your carbohydrate cravings will end! Remember, carbs turn to sugar, and sugar turns to fat. Taking the balanced EFA's before eating is the quickest, safest and most scientific way to lose weight safely we've ever seen!

  • The Science: Gingko Enhances Brain Function – You’ve probably heard of this extraordinary herb as the most widely used prescription medication in Europe. It has the ability in its flavonoids and ginkgolides to facilitate increased blood flow circulation and mental function. Gingko relaxes the blood vessels and inhibits the aggregation of platelets. It’s particularly helpful in cases of decreased blood flow to the brain, which is usually age related.
Ginkgo, says Julian Whitaker, M.D., works by combating free radicals and promoting circulation to the tiny capillaries of the brain. A high quality extract will be standardized to contain 24 percent ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6 percent terpene lactones. But, he cautions, be patient. It can take up to three months to work.
    • High Performance Memory Tip : According to Dr. Whitaker, if you decide to take gingko, make sure it’s 60 mg. twice daily for adults and it is standardized to contain 24 percent ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6 percent terpene lactones. He also recommends taking a high potency multivitamin and mineral formula to provide proper nourishment and support for every cell.
    • Brain Smart Nutrients - If you're looking for the best all around formula for enhancing brain power, it's called Cognitex (Product Number 564) and it can be found at the Life Extension Foundation website. Their site has all the latest scientific medical research on every possible health and nutritional need and they have full time staff to answer any of your questions. This is one of the best sites when you want to keep current on what's in the medical journals as well as find the best nutritional products. Their monthly catalog is extraordinary!
  • The Science: Memory Lanes and retrieval systems that enhance learning and memory. We know through numerous studies that memory is more easily triggered when you use association and mental imagery or pictures. (See numerous books by Dr. Stephen Kosslyn, Professor, Harvard University, Associate Psychologist in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital).
Also, memory that has an emotional component or even a smell connected with it is even more powerful and easier to retrieve. (Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence).
Since learning and memory occur when neurons communicate with each other it’s a lot easier to access the memory you want when you intentionally store that memory in several different ways. That way you’ll be able to use various triggers to retrieve any memory.

According to brain researchers, the process of memory is far more important than the location since the brain doesn’t just store memory in one location. The point: When you activate a single memory system or memory pathway, you might appear to forget what you know. However, activating multiple memory systems or pathways through a wide variety of activities increases your ability to retrieve what you want. It’s a lot like going to a filing cabinet for a single file on a certain subject. If you can’t remember where you filed it, but knew you have made several copies and filed them under different headings, you’d be more apt to find the file more quickly.
Here are five types of memory or storage and retrieval systems:

    • Semantic (categorical) also known as short term immediate and short term working memory. This is where new information comes into the brain and is housed in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. This type of memory is what’s currently in focus and can only manage about seven bits of information (plus or minus 2) and lasts only 15 – 30 seconds before it transfers the information into the working or intermediate memory. (See Fire-Up Your Learning by author, Tom Madden).
According to Tom, the short term information gets downloaded into long term memories at night during sleep. Semantic memory holds the information learned from words. This type of memory seems to be a difficult one to use for learning because it takes so many repetitions to cement it into the pathway. It also has to be sorted and stimulated by associations, comparisons and similarities to be effective. This type of memory can easily fail us in many ways.
    • Episodic Memory. It is easier to access this type of memory according to Marilee Sprenger, author of Learning and Memory. This is sometimes called contextual or spatial memory because you are always somewhere when you learn new information and you can connect the learning with the location. The quickest way to think of episodic memory is to ask, “Where were you when President Kennedy was shot or when you first learned about Princess Diana’s death?
The reason episodic memory is so important to understand is because children and adults who learn information in one location and are shuttled off to an unfamiliar location to be tested on that information consistently underperform. According to Sprenger, “The content of the room becomes part of the context of the memory.” So, when you know you will be tested in another location from the one you learned the information in, try and visit the testing room often, visualizing the information you want to remember in various locations around the room.
    • Procedural Memory. This is also known as motor or muscle memory and once a physical task is learned, lasts for years. Procedural memory involves tasks like writing, riding a bike, tying your shoe laces, etc. It works by association and your brain seems to have an unlimited storage capacity for body-kinesthetic memory. Procedural memory is stored in the cerebellum and gives humans the ability to do two things at once like driving and talking. When you want to recall something you learned, return to the same position and do whatever you were doing when you first learned the information. People who like to move around when they are learning can more easily recall the information if they move around in the same way. I know of children who do cheers when learning or skateboard when memorizing their times tables.
·         Automatic Memory is known as conditioned response memory. This type of memory is automatically triggered by certain stimuli and is located in the cerebellum. You might hear the first few words of a song and start singing it, remember your multiplication tables or the alphabet here.
Your ability to read but not comprehend is in automatic memory. According to Jensen and Sprenger, “Your automatic memory may cause other memory lanes to open.” When you hear a certain song on the radio you may remember the words to it and also where you were when you first heard it (episodic) and what events were going on when you first heard it. You may even recall something procedural, like driving your car when the song was playing and better yet, some factual, semantic memory lanes may open up too.

Further, hearing the song may even cause you to have an emotional reaction similar to the one you had when you first heard the song. Obviously, automatic memory has great implications for enhancing recall through strong associa tions. The more memory lanes you can connect with what you are learning, the easier it will be to recall that learning.
    • Emotional Memory. This type of memory takes precedence over all others and may even take over your logical mind. Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, (1995) calls this type of response “neural hijacking.”
Emotional memory is opened through the amygdala, located next to the hippocampus. While the hippocampus files factual information, the amygdala stores emotional information. The fear response is stored here as is happiness, sadness and a host of other emotions. When learners are feeling threatened, learning abilities plummet. Stress hormones may simply block access to the facts.

Remember, your brain will always give priority to emotional memory. While you have facts stored in your semantic memory, how you feel about those facts may affect your ability to recall them. That is why learning is so much more effective and efficient when the learner is relaxed and associating things like humor to the learning. Access to learning is easier in the future when it is connected to something funny.
    • High performance memory tip : When you want to learn new things, connect relaxing and exciting emotions to the learning. You might want to add music to make the learning even more automatic. Make the learning relevant by connecting something that you already know and love to the new learning. For example, if you want to learn about ratio in math and have no concept what it is, learn the definition and think about what, in real life, can be in ratio form. How about mixing one can of frozen juice with three cans of water? Now you have a procedural physical connection, an emotional component (assuming you like the juice you choose), a semantic connection lane if you say and write the words about the ration between one can of juice and thr ee cans of water, and episodic memory if you connect the learning about ratio in a room such as your kitchen. Imagine what will happen come test time – you’ll easily recall everything you learned about ratio because you can access multiple memory lanes during the test! Wow – true high performance memory!
 Prepared by SANN RAKSMEY...